
Summer Reading

Reading is a great way to take advantage of some free time during the summer and a great way to grow in your understanding of the gospel. We wanted to take an opportunity to suggest some books for you to read this summer, depending on where you are within our church family.

Books for LifeGroup participants

A LifeGroup participant is involved with a LifeGroup but has not taken the Midtown Class. If you're a LifeGroup participant, we suggest the following books:

Prodigal God by Timothy Keller Counterfeit Gods by Timothy Keller Death by Love by Mark Driscoll

Books for LifeGroup members

A LifeGroup member is committed to a LifeGroup and has taken the Midtown Class. If you're a LifeGroup member, we suggest the following books:

Crazy Love by Francis Chan Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn Community by Brad House

Books for LifeGroup leaders

A LifeGroup leader has gone through the leader training process and is responsible for the spiritual health and discipleship of the members and participants in his or her group. If you're a LifeGroup leader, we suggest the following books:

Redemption by Mike Wilkerson Jesus + Nothing = Everything by Tullian Tchividjian Missional Small Groups by M. Scott Boren

Books for LifeGroup coaches

A LifeGroup coach has gone through the coach training process and is responsible for the spiritual health and development of their designated LifeGroup leaders, and overseeing the health of the LifeGroups led by those leaders. If you're a LifeGroup coach, we suggest the following books:

Church Planter by Darrin Patrick Total Church by Tim Chester Doctrine by Mark Driscoll When Sinners Say I Do by Dave Harvey Good to Great by Jim Collins

Books for pastors

We realize the majority of you aren't pastors, but in case you desire to be a pastor or are curious as to what kind of books we recommend for pastors, here they are:

When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett & Danny Campbell A Praying Life by Paul Miller The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler Switch by Chip & Dan Heath Made to Stick by Chip & Dan Heath